
Monday, April 7, 2014

~ Pregnancy Help Clinic Video ~

Almost two years ago, I had an idea placed in my heart to help a local pregnancy crisis center in any way that I could. I had this great yearning to help, not only because one of the founders of this center was my grandmother, but also because I am so touched and inspired by the hard work the women at these pregnancy crisis centers do. It is the backbone of the pro-life movement...And I wanted to do my part. 

All of the work these women do changes lives, they truly do help young women when there is no one else to help them. Two years ago, I began to have an immense desire to be there for young women seeking help in which ever way God was calling me to do so. With the encouragement of my mother, I jumped right on board, pondering how I could be of help. I knew for certain I would love to be a volunteer, particularly a receptionist volunteer. However, I wanted to help even more. I wanted to use my interests and vocational path to help as well. While discussing this with my mother, I realized what I could do. I wanted to make a video for Pregnancy Help Clinic. I wanted to make it possible for frightened young women to see what an incredible place and refuge Pregnancy Help Clinic is. I wanted them to see the loving women there ready to help them. I wanted them to know about it all, and encourage them to seek the clinic for help. 

I got straight to work writing out the basic storyline and all my ideas, then emailed Pregnancy Help Clinic saying that I had an idea and would love to meet with someone about it. 
Not long after, I met with the assistant director, who was just as ecstatic about the idea as I was. We discussed the video in detail and I had my first day of training to be a receptionist at the front desk. 
I will never forget that day. I had no experience behind film making, until this point it had always been an aspiration and hobby. This was my first goal.

Over the course of a couple months, I wrote out the script, searched for actresses, and prepared to shoot. I was so blessed to have found the perfect actress for the project, a friend of mine from youth group. She was a dear and accepted the challenge! It was so wonderful filming and seeing the script come to life. During this time I would volunteer as a receptionist whenever I could. 
Amongst summer and other commitments, the editing became prolonged and the project was slowly coming to a completion. I wanted to get the video finished as soon as I could, knowing the longer it wasn't published, the longer young women went without important information. In my lack of experience, it never occurred to me to have the project saved on an external hard drive. It was just on my computer. 
Within days of the video's completion there was an accident regarding a spill and a younger sibling, resulting in a computer crash. 
I had lost the project. 

I could hardly believe my worst nightmare had come to life. I had been wise about moving the footage of the film to an external device, however I would have to start from square one piecing it all back together. 
It seemed as though the devil was trying to discourage me from ever finishing this already long-drawn-out endeavor. He was doing all he could to keep me from completing my mission. 
Two Bible verses stood out to me... 

"Though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand."
-Psalm 37:24
"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." 
-Galatians 6:9

As soon as I could, I began again, determined to make the second attempt even greater that the first. Not long after I started again, I was grateful and could see that God knew what He was doing... 
Right away, I perceived new ways in which I could improve my work. 
College commitments, work and other life happenings made it difficult to go as quickly as I would have liked. Fortunately, my second semester was much less hectic and draining than my first, providing me the time and focus I needed to make it to the home stretch of the project. 
After a week of little adjustments and improvements here and there and asking for opinions, the video had finally come to an end. (This time it was backed up!)
It wouldn't have become a reality without the constant help of friends, volunteers, Apple Service calls, late night "watch this" and "what do you think of this?" nagging with family members, prayers, encouragement, and the grace of God. 
I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to work with such amazing women of God, who helped make my vision a reality. 
I learned so much along the journey. 
God willing, more video projects with Pregnancy Help Clinic will come to life in the near future. (And won't take nearly as long!)

If God has placed an aspiration on your heart, don't be afraid to go after it with all that you are. There will be battles and struggles with yourself, Satan, unfortunate events, but if you persevere and always seek God, you will allow Him to use you for the unimaginable. 

Please take a moment to watch the informational video for Pregnancy Help Clinic and share! It will be on their official website soon as well. 
I would love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to leave a comment. 

                           Con amore in Cristo,
