Every Advent and
Christmas season, I am reminded of just how incredible it is that the King of
Kings, my God and Savior, took on human nature, came down from Heaven to live
among us, and died for our sins. It is mind-blowing to think about how much
love Jesus has for each of us, to do such a thing. The past few years, whenever
I reflect on this topic over the Christmas season, I discover a new connection
made between God and I.
Reflecting on His immense humility and love to do this
for each of us individually draws me closer and closer to Him. Think about it,
Christ left His beautiful heavenly home to live among humans surrounded by the
stench of sin. He was willing to set his visible kingship and glory aside, in
order to live on earth. He was willing to suffer with us, work with us, form
friendships with us, and teach us. He was willing to accept all our injustices
toward Him, all our lack of love, and all our insults, out of pure love for us.
What humility! Have you ever heard of a more humble king?
Each time I think of
the powerful mystery of the Nativity, I cannot help but want to love Jesus more
in return. Jesus did not enter into the world like the Jews always thought the
Messiah would. Christ began His mission as a small, innocent, helpless baby
boy, born in a stable. A baby boy! This extraordinary form of humility draws my
heart straight to Him with increasing force. Not only did Christ entrust
Himself to Mary and Joseph’s care, but He also allowed Himself, our God, to be
taught as a young child by His parents and other adults in His life. He was
humble, obedient and vulnerable. Out of
love for us, Christ made Himself vulnerable to us.

The more I ponder on this
concept of our beautiful Catholic faith, the more I am put in awe. Have you
ever heard of a god doing such a thing? Jesus lowered Himself to take on human
nature and be like His creatures. As human beings, we are made from dust,
distorted from sin, we are miserable and nothing without our God. Can you
imagine our God choosing this in order to save us and prove His love for us?
Well He did it, and how undeserving we are. Christ did not end there, for three
years of His missionary life, with great humility and love He taught us the
Truth of His Heavenly Father. He then did the most perfect act of love for the
whole world. He suffered and died from the most excruciating torture in the
history of mankind for our sake, that we be saved from the clutches of sin to
become His brothers and sisters.
Lately I have been meditating more on the
Sorrowful Mysteries while reciting the rosary. I have become more and more
overwhelmed at the amount of humility and love Christ had for us by suffering
the passion for our salvation. I highly encourage others to meditate on the
Sorrowful Mysteries and connect with Jesus on a deeper level; it is truly a
profound experience. Meditating on the birth of our Lord over the Christmas
holiday is also such a beautiful way to connect with Christ personally. By the
incarnation of Jesus, the word became flesh, and God’s love was made visible.
I think St. Alphonsus comments on this subject beautifully, “I think God must
have said to Himself: Man does not love Me because he does not see Me; I will
show Myself to him and thus make him love Me. God’s love for man was very
great, and had been great from all eternity, but this love had not yet become
visible…Then, it really appeared; the Son of God let Himself be seen as a tiny
Babe in a stable, lying on a little straw.”
This Advent and Christmas, I hope
you will take some time amongst the business of the season to genuinely sit
down and think about this topic and reflect on what Christ’s actions of
sacrificial love really means. He did this for you, individually, in hope that
you might accept His love for you, and love Him back, in order that He can
deepen His relationship with you. There is nothing He wants more than that.
Con amore in Cristo,