
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Just A Bit Of Jolliness!:)

Yes, I took a book selfie!
(Very rare occasion for your viewing pleasure)
The other day I got a call that the book I had ordered had arrived at Barnes & Noble. I could hardly contain my giddiness! "The Hidden Power of Kindness" by Fr. Lawrence Lovasik was introduced to me by a dear friend of mine a long time ago. I am finally making time to read it! I can hardly wait to study it, scribble in it, learn, and grow from it. I'm sure it will inspire many future posts as well! One, of the many, things I have decided to stop doing is failing to make reading books I wish to read a priority. Reading is so important and something I love to do. However, I never make it something I do every day. This bad habit is the cause of the tall stacks of books all over my room. The same friend is the one who has inspired to me to make it more of a daily priority, and I am extremely happy to take the first step! :) So much lies between the pages of good books, why deprive our hungry minds of the beauty and wisdom within them? I wanted to take a moment to encourage you to stop putting off reading that book you've been eyeing. Pick it up and make a commitment to yourself to read it. Or find a book you think will be beneficial to you and your soul. Pass a favorite book along, or even write your own! Who knows what beautiful things will come from it?

 Con amore in Cristo,


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