
Thursday, July 31, 2014

This amazing woman...

This amazing woman...
Is the selfless mother of eight children...
Seven boys and one girl...

Day in and day out...
She gives of herself for our greater good...
Deserved not is her endless care...
And endless are her inspiring actions...

Strong is her faith in God...
Gently and quietly leading us all to Him...
Silently going about her day...
In pure expression of virtue...

The most beautiful woman I know...
A smile and soul so radiant...
And the patience of a saint...
She teaches me all there is to know...

Of what it means to be a woman of God...
What it truly means to be a mother...
And what life is all about...
Putting the Lord and others before yourself...

Happy Birthday Mother!

I can never thank you enough for everything you have done, 
and everything you do,
 for everyone and I each and every day. 
Your life is a blessing to countless people. 
Even though we don't always understand each other, 
no one will understand me quite like you.
I am so happy and thankful to God,
that He gave me you!

Your little Bluebird

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